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SEO need: Freelance SEO or an agency, what to choose?

Yassine Essaadi
SEO agency or freelance? Are you about to hire an SEO agency or a freelance expert in SEO but don't know who to choose and how to assess their skills and reliability?

Should you choose an SEO agency or a freelance?

If you want to launch your website or your online store, it is recommended to have it referenced by a service provider specializing in natural referencing on search engines. For this, you will have two possible choices: call on an SEO agency (SEO agency that brings together several SEOs) or else call on a freelance service provider (Seo freelance qatar), specialized in website SEO.

Should you choose an SEO agency or a freelance?

In this article we will focus on the qualities of freelance SEO. Admittedly, he does not enjoy the notoriety of the agency, but the quality must still be linked to the notoriety. For many agencies, this is not often the case, and it is not uncommon for these agencies to hire freelancers (seo expert qatar) to outsource certain tasks.

SEO, what is it?

Before entrusting the referencing of your site to a service provider, it is important to know the definition of natural referencing, more commonly called “SEO” or “Search Engine Optimization”. These are the set of optimization methods and technical skills that allow a web page or site to be shown in the top positions of search engine results on targeted keywords.

The SEO provider can carry out the assignment as a freelance, or even, as I mentioned at the beginning of the article, work as a subcontractor for an agency specializing in SEO. The SEO freelance, whether independent or part of an SEO agency, can be defined in different ways: SEO expert, SEO specialist, SEO consultant, web SEO consultant, SEO consultant in qatar, all these designations indicate the same type of provider.

Tools to optimize SEO

To work quickly, a freelance or SEO agency relies on online tools to audit and analyze websites, pages and all the content that makes them up. However, they should not be dependent on these tools and should be able to provide human analysis and expertise. Nothing beats a service provider with real "field" experience having acquired, over the years and the missions entrusted to it, real know-how.

Indeed, a natural referencing is effective from the moment when there is a relationship of trust between the customer and the service provider. The SEO must be in regular communication with the client and, obviously, he must be educational and know how to explain in simple words how he will correct and optimize the pages of the site. You should know that the quality of a SEO's work is independent of the structure of his company and that it is very often thanks to his network of partners that he will be able to refine the positioning of his clients' sites.

The SEO guide explains quite well this principle of exchanging links with other sites (see article), making it possible to optimize the positions of the pages

However, the type of structure depends on the prices of the services offered. Generally, charges are reduced for a freelancer. He works alone, does not rent an office, and does not have at all the same overheads that an agency can have with employees. Finally, using an SEO freelancer in qatar is also interesting because freelancers often have more time to devote to their clients.

The major difference between a freelance and an agency is that an SEO freelancer will take fewer clients at a time to be able to focus on their projects as well as possible, while an agency will tend to take as many clients as possible in order to make profitable its payroll and fixed costs.



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